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Tagging Game :D
Friday 28 October 2011 | Written by : Myself 0 comments

tadi dekat shoutbox kak Qama bagitau aku telah ditag . hihi . mcam best jugak game ni kan kann ?


- You must post this rules
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post
- Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her
- No tag backs
- No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really , trust , with all honestly ) have to tage 11 people

11 things about me

1. Aku Nor Suhaida
2. Aku suka makan *tapi tak gemuk2 pun --'
3. Aku minat gila Cartoon
4. Aku benci orang yang suka seksa haiwan
5. Aku suka haiwan yang comel2
6. Berharap dapat rumah mainan yang diidamkan selama ni
7. Aku akan merungut kalau takde duit belanja
8. Aku akan hempas pintu bilik jika bergaduh dengan kakak *hihi :3 baikk kann .
9. Aku tak suka belajar waktu petang .
10 . Aku suka tidur lewat *tengok tv
11 . Aku suka melukis

Questions from Kak Qama

1.Pandai masak tak ?
- Masak air boleh la --'

2.Pandai simpan rahsia orang ?
- huh! kalau dah semua rahsia eda nak simpan , terpaksa jerit semua rahsia tu sambil bantal tekup kat mulut ^_^

3.Have you ever peed in swimmingpool ?
- sorry --' apakah peed itu ?

4.Have you ever bitten by a person ?
- yess . It was my crazy sister .

5.Have you ever had to change baby diaper ?
- yeah . OMG ! jangan ingatkan balik >_<

6.Suka makan sayur tak ?
- suka :) itupun sebab abah kata boleh jadi tinggi

7.What's the worst nightmare that you ever had ?
- I was kidnap by someone who is vey scared --'

8.Longest you've ever gone without bathing ?
- Selagi saya malas , selagi tulah saya takkan mandi XD

9.Give me one baddest thing you ever did when you little kid ?
- Main tepung xD hahah . habis bersepah dapur .

10.Do you believe uniconrs ?
- I'm not sure XD

11.Are you afraid of clowns ?
- Nope . they are so funny XD

haaaa ! ni dia soalan dari sayaa oiyehh ! hahaha !

1.Do you realy love anyone and why ?
2.What was the happiest thing in your life ?
3.The worst thing you ever did in school ?
4.What subject you enjoy ?
5.During the holidays what would you do if you only stay at home ?
6.Would you like science and math ?
7.Blogging or Facebook ?
8.What are the characteristics of your dream man ?
9.Chocolate or Ice cream ?
10.You like to be friends with me ? why ?
11.what would you do if a cat stealing your fish ?

orang yang akan saya tag :) haaa ! jaga2 lah korang :p hahaha .

-kak Farah
-kak Tira
-Pei Nat
-Kak Fira
-Kak Fatiha
-Kak Aina Dyra

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Hello all. I'm Eda. Thanks you for coming here :)